
Part sport, part mind game, and a great challenge in confidence building.

Outdoor Survivor

Campers explore and learn the secrets of the wildlife, tree, and plant life.

High Adventure

Experience the ropes course Pamper Pole, Super Swing, then finishing up with the Rappelling Tower.


Camp OTX is surrounded by the amazing scenic trails! In the Hiking class, campers explore the beautiful trails surrounding Camp OTX.


Campers have a blast in this class as they go to all areas of camp completing activities in their Journey’s booklets. Get your J’s up!


Camp OTX boasts of some great fishing opportunities.

Ropes Basics

The OTX Ropes Courses are challenging and rewarding for campers of all ages.

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Complete Application

Once you have scheduled an interview, click here to complete an application.

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Once you have completed the application, click here to submit references.


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