Bombardment is grouped according to age and ability, and multiple versions of dodgeball are set up for a fun, competitive, tournament-style format!
Bracelet Stacks
This is a Camp OTX favorite! Campers make traditional friendship bracelets or the popular stack style bracelets using multiple mediums.
Canoeing & Kayaking
Campers can enjoy the peaceful scenery while learning the basics of canoeing.
Capture the Flag
Teams try to take down the other team’s flag without getting hit!
For the beginner and the advanced competitive cheerleader, this will be a great class to learn basic partner and group stunts.
Campers can create something new every day! Favorite concoctions include Funny Putty, slime, worms, and lava lamps! Wow!
Culinary Institute
Camp OTX is proud to introduce its Culinary Arts Program. Who’s making dinner tonight?
Ropes Basics
The OTX Ropes Courses are challenging and rewarding for campers of all ages.
9 Square
Camp OTX’s 9-Square is a game you won’t want to miss.
Ready…ACTION!! Your campers and a team of aspiring actors/actresses will learn important trade techniques through acting and improvisation games.