
For campers looking to become lean, mean workout machines!
Water Park

The exciting Camp OTX Waterpark is the place to be with plenty of fun water activities.
Trail Rides

Campers will be able to ride one of our scenic trails through the Hill Country.

Campers learn the basics of foot skills, juggling, dribbling, passing, shooting, offensive and defensive positions During this fun, fast-paced class.

3-2-1 Blast Off!
Seat Weaving

Campers learn basic weaving techniques to create a customized stool with a frame and ribbon.
Shrinky Dink Creations

A long-time favorite on a new level! Campers use Shrink plastic to create jewelry, key chains, airplanes…anything they can dream of!

Part sport, part mind game, and a great challenge in confidence building.

Camp OTX has permanent octagons for campers to hone their skills at this unique and creative game!

Whether in the cage or on the field, campers participate in fun drills and competitive games to improve softball skills.